Student thought

Institutional colaboration

As part of the exchange of good practices necessary for educational and research activities, one of the specific activities included in the cooperation agreement between the Politehnica University of Timișoara, the Faculty of Engineering from Hunedoara and the Technical University of Moldova, the Faculty of Electrical and Energy Engineering, refers to an internship of 2 weeks of professional visits by students to companies in Romania and the Republic of Moldova. This internship took place between July 11-25, 2023.

Of all the benefits, human relationships reinvent themselves and take on new meanings and dimensions. Feedback from students at both universities highlights these benefits in unique, wonderful and incredible ways. The Romanian students who accepted the challenge looked at the world through a magical window.
From students who haven’t experienced dorm life, to students who haven’t left the comfort of their family, who have phobias of heights, who have written a feedback for the first time, all thoughts and emotions make a difference. For each one separately.
I am proud to know them so I invite you to learn their story one by one.

My first feedback

Paul…,,I visited several enterprises that are closely related to our specialties at the university, I was surprised about what I saw at our brothers from beyond the Prut. I thought that Moldova is a poorly developed country, but after spending 2 weeks there, I radically changed my opinion.

After we settled down and spent the first night in Chisinau, we started our adventure together with some of the professors and students of the Technical University of Moldova. The first day of visits was at the University where I visited the classrooms and laboratories. I was surprised by what I saw, most of the classrooms were equipped to the standards of a prestigious college, they had old-fashioned laboratories but also modern devices or tools. Also on the same day I visited Fablab, a small enterprise with an interesting activity, they prepared different shapes or objects from wood and one thing that fascinated me was making art from wood, they made a family picture with the help of a laser.

Regarding the accommodation, we were accommodated in a student dormitory, it was my first experience of living in a dormitory for 2 weeks. The rooms were ok, the food in the canteen was good, our trips to visit the businesses in the minibus were ok even though we didn’t have air con it didn’t affect me. I liked that almost all the people were much quieter, there are a lot of children, most of the families I saw had 2-3 children.

In addition to the companies, we also visited other tourist attractions and workshops, these are: Valea Morii, Valea Trandafirilor, the botanical garden, the zoo, Lazari Studio, their little triumphal arch, the History Museum, their famous chocolate Bucuria store, the Village Museum, I walked a lot and took a lot of steps, about 20,000 a day, on July 23rd I took the most steps, 35,162 steps to be exact.

This exchange of experiences was a success, it was the first time I participated in one and if I have the opportunity again I will participate again. As all forests have their dryness, one thing I didn’t like or can be improved: I expected to do something practical and not just visit, to be able to understand what it means to work as an engineer in a company.

P.S. July 16th was my birthday, which I spent with my colleagues and teachers. They celebrated me and I want to thank them once again here and tell them that I appreciate and love them all, LOVE YOU GUYS.”

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