,,The greatest adventure is living the life of your dreams.” – Oprah Winfrey
How you define your success has to do with your expectations and those of those around you.
To define your own idea of success, you need to know what brings you joy. One of the best things you can do is use all the experiences you’ve been through to reach your goals in your own personal way.
What makes some people where they are? We learn another story full of essence given by Adriana…
,,My opinion has always been that the path to success is not an individual thing, but a set of attributes and ideas that a person must have or acquire in order to start a project or achieve a goal.
For me the most important part of my success has always been the reason why I do something and I usually find that I work best when I create something and especially when it is for someone dear to me and in this case the idea to make someone happy is enough that the energy and material consumed no longer matter.
My biggest successes this year have been knitting gifts for my girlfriends for their birthdays. And looking back, I can say that I started with choosing the right type of wool, searching and finding a pattern to be useful and pleasant, according to the style of each. Along the way I learned new knitting techniques by restarting a pattern numerous times until it looked flawless. I also secretly worked with the ambition to give them something special handmade, with the perseverance to keep going even when my hand hurt or when I was frustrated that my pattern was not coming out well and the happiness I felt at the end when I realized they turned out well.

For my summer-born, cat-loving, coffee-loving friend, I felt a little stuck at first because I realized it would be absurd to gift her gloves or hand warmers. After a while I decided to make a vintage pattern for a knitted cat with fur in shades of brown, yellow and black And honestly working with wool in the summer was not the most pleasant experience, but it was worth all the effort when I felt the excitement them towards the gift.
Although I was a little disappointed at the end, thinking that I could have done better, I realized that success is not about perfection, but about doing your best and achieving your goal.

For my winter born friend I was fixated on gloves or hand warmers because I noticed in late fall that she didn’t have any and because I knew she was walking around a lot. The hard part came when I had to find and choose a pattern, and somehow, just as I was about to give up, I found a beautiful vintage pattern for fingerless gloves from 1885. With some adjustments, I finished them just in time for her birthday.

Compared to the summer project now I had to find time to knit between homework and classes, but in the end everything turned out perfectly and I definitely call it a success.
These projects, along with a few other knitting and crocheting aside from school and personal projects, have definitely helped me understand that the „recipe for success” for me is a combination of motivation, ambition, perseverance and fulfillment that can manifest from the moment you start something to the moment you feel that nothing is going right but you continue until you see the result, the happiness and joy you can bring to someone. This makes all the effort worthwhile.”