Self-connection moments

Me and Menis Yousri

I discovered Menis Yousri listening to Mihai Morar’s podcast, ,,Beautiful and Simple” with headphones on the treadmill. Every time I choose to exercise on the treadmill, I select a podcast and enjoy it like a delicacy. I always identify the most suitable material to listen to, like a delicious cake matched with a smooth icing of what I’m feeling that day. Obviously, after moving and listening, I’m full of adrenaline, ready to fly!!!

Before I continue writing please do not agree with everything I write nor disapprove of everything I write. That way you’ll feel comfortable and won’t wonder if what I’m saying is right or not. This approach gives you the opportunity to learn things without getting upset, the reading will be relaxed and if something resonates with you you will feel the sensations in your body.

Menis Yousri ,,Discover your hidden memories and the real you”

Personal development, one of the concepts addressed by Menis, has been on the lips of many people for years, more or less genuinely interested in taking a stand and doing something. What role does our perception play? How often does it change?
We have revelations every minute, after which they become a thing of the past. How does this manifest itself? We learn something and apply it every day. Life is organic, not linear.
The source of our challenges is our mind that learns something and wants to fix the information and live by it routinely. The challenges that arise are diverse, while we try to manage them in the same way.
We have an industry teaching us about personal development, the question is how difficult is it to choose which one is right for you?

When I was 21, there was no concept of personal development. I had a simplified view of life: I pass the exams to continue my studies with the first level of high school, then for the second level of high school and pass the baccalaureate exam. If I want more, I go to the college exam. Accessing the labor market is next.

When I sometimes tell students about my admission in 1985 to the sports faculty in Bucharest, the only faculty in the country at that time, when there were 69 places in the budget, and I tell them that I was 25 candidates/place, I find that they have no reaction . It is difficult for them to imagine how we were thinking back then and what was the engine that propelled us forward. I answer them that what I and others like me have applied has remained and remains valid: work and perseverance after you find out what you really want.
So becoming a young adult for me has meant honing skills and competencies in tandem with practical intelligence, finding
how do I do it?
I fondly remember the first meeting with the school as a sports teacher, the first year of work in education. I was 21 years old, 50 kg, without a partner, full of enthusiasm, cheerfulness and desire to work with young people and gain my independence.
Back then, upon completion of university studies, depending on the average of the years of study (without taking into account the grade from the Diploma/Licensing Exam) you received a job in a locality in the country. There is a legal obligation to stay at least 2 years in that place. Although I had a job at a school in the county, I chose with the mind of an adult child a commune in Transylvania, a school with classes I-X, where I spent 2 years.

From that confident decision, I continued to build my path step by step. It was the best decision.

Currently, periodically someone comes up with something new in the field, it is publicized and reaches the top, after which the excited world buys the product and/or adopts the concept.
If you want to work for personal development, meaning you with yourself, you need to identify a person who has already reached where you want to reach. The connection is from consciousness to consciousness. Every time we sit around someone, we connect to their consciousness. Consciousness is the tool with which we interact, which develops. Every time.

The revolution of 1989 brought me back to my hometown, to the School Sports Club, where during the 12 years of activity at the athletics specialization I guided children and young people passionate about outdoor exercise. Speaking of how mentors appeared in my life, I can say that it happened very naturally, not linearly, but organically, always at the right time, when I needed it, when I sought to find solutions to what I wanted to happen, then when I was ready.
I remember the highlight of my first year as a teacher coach when my office and a children’s locker room were non-existent. For training, we had access to the clay track in the local Stadium. It was October, it was raining lightly, it was 8:15 in the morning and I had 3 children at training.
At some point, the Physical Education Inspector appears in the inspection. He was a nice old man about 2 years before retirement, not fierce at all. Total panic, I went small, green in the face, my voice shaking as I searched for pertinent justifications for the small number of kids at morning practice. I remember making lame excuses that invoked all sorts of external factors beyond my control.

Then, from Mr. Inspector, I received a phrase that has successfully accompanied me since 1991: ,,If you want to do something, don’t invoke reasons why you can’t do that thing, look for solutions.”

Let’s think of an image: the finger pointing to the moon. People see the finger first, then the moon.
Imagine that personal development is your finger.
Whatever we choose: a priest, a mentor, a therapist, a teacher, we actually choose to connect to their consciousness.
It is improper to expect someone to tell us where to go, how to go, why to go, and when to stop.

Sometimes I needed to receive winning advice to get me out of less pleasant situations. I admit, I never fully listened to the advice. I always acted as I saw fit, sometimes to my disadvantage. I ask, listen and decide. No later regrets. I am in vain.

We come into the world pure, unpolished, that is if we don’t have health problems. Like a blank sheet, on which parents begin to draw our lives from their experience. If the parents have a clear, stable, peaceful life, with love and understanding, we don’t need anyone else.
We need calm, stable, friendly people around us who give us unconditional love and accept us as we are because most of us had an unusual start in childhood. When that doesn’t happen, we start doing crazy things and looking for a priest, a mentor, a therapist, or a teacher, and we think about the parents we wish we had.
We have all represented our existence through sensations and perceptions by the face and behavior of those who have been around us the most. This is how we began to imagine the world and ourselves in it. If there is something distorted in this process, we grow up believing that there is something wrong with us.

In my experience, few people survive childhood with minimal damage. I am not among them. My simple and dysfunctional family woke me up to reality since then. I penciled in my mind a strategy with only one option: How do I do it?
The only constant I perceived was that everything changes, transforms. In one form or another we end up evolving if we trust this paradigm.

My picture of what I was going to do was somehow clear and at the same time foggy. The strong will to survive and have the life I wanted played a decisive role in the motivation to withstand all challenges.

Everything we read, listen or learn, although it may inspire us, is not about us, the patterns and steps are of other people. Thus, copying is not a viable and functional option.

My truth is your faith. It’s not your truth. What belongs to you, who you belong to, how you experience life becomes your truth. We don’t need anyone between us and God, who in my understanding is something infinite, immense and powerful.

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