Student searching for succes

,,In any given moment we have two options: to step forward into growth or step back into safety.” Abraham Maslow

Where do we start in the direction of success? What makes some people get where they are? We learn another story full of essence given by Adrian…

,,I want to talk to you about the Internship obtained at the Hella Company Romania during the summer of last year. During the year I searched on various sites and applied to several Internship programs and Junior Software Developer positions. Most were refusals, but this factor did not discourage me. In May of last year, I obtained the first favorable response and the offer, at the Nokia company in Timișoara. Unfortunately I had to refuse their offer due to several considerations, this was also a stopping point for me from applying to other jobs.

Just 2 days later I was contacted by the head of the Engineering department at Hella Romania. The interview was very pleasant, I received the favorable answer on the same day and I decided that I will spend the summer of 2023 in Timișoara.
The first days of work were very difficult, I was the only student in the first year. Most of the students were in their final study years, they had knowledge that I did not have yet, but this factor did not discourage me, I continued to learn and work day by day ov
er schedule, only to become better.

At Hella, I was lucky to interact in a very united team. I found a mentor, Andreea, who has been working in the company for 10 years. She helped me to assimilate technical concepts, to develop my practical abilities when I encounter a problem, to be able to identify and select the specific information, which is essential for a programmer.
The head of the department, taught me to get out of the comfort zone, every new thing, although uncomfortable for me first time, over time, with a lot of practice it became comfortable.

Since the engineering department was working with technologies that will be implemented on cars in the next 3-5 years, I had the chance to experience them. The internship period ended with an invitation for the following summer. I gained a lot of knowledge and most importantly I became a better and stronger person, more confident in my abilities both in the area of programming but also in the social area and working in a team.”

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