Student searcing for Success

,,Do what you really like and you will never work a day in your life!” – Confucius


In today’s dynamic world, each generation that arrives at the university has its own advantages, that is why it is necessary to constantly adapt to their needs, to diversify working methods and especially communication. A teacher-student relationship based on respect, trust and partnership leads us to fulfill our purpose as teachers.
I have been thinking and for several years, I have chosen to give students essays to do on different topics of reflection. Why?
Good question, given that I am a sports teacher, even if I have had other official professional duties for some time. In my view, the educational, teaching and tutoring activities of the students of the Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara have no schedule. They all come together in a coherent, perfectable puzzle, full of challenges, patience, enthusiasm, collaboration, results, satisfactions and hope.

True success in the science of success is not about how much money you have, but what you feel inside. Instead of needing things, awaken the energy within you and do everything with love, let the energy guide you. For students we are like a GPS, we have the noble mission to guide them with gentleness, responsibility, availability, personal experience and professionalism to be able to make decisions that will make them live the life they deserve and that they I wish each of them. The students from the Faculty of Engineering in Hunedoara, Polytechnic University of Timișoara chose a technical educational path through various specializations. But like people they have passions, things they enjoy doing and that define them. What would it be like to be able to combine passion with profession in a unique and authentic style? What would it be like to live experiences to define one’s professional direction?

,,Student searching for succes” has as its preamble….I challenge you to write a material in word that also contains photos about an achievement in a field of life: free time, school, volunteering or workplace. What did you actually achieve? What was the reason for the desire? What happened after that? What impact did the achievement have on the other aspects of your life (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual dimension?) And to write honestly and simply….in 1st person…. Use your creativity, your courage, your energy and you will receive rewards commensurate with your effort.

We enjoy and get inspired by Adriana’s story…,,I’m going to talk to you about my passion PASTRY. I am very happy to have the opportunity to tell you about my passion. I discovered this passion many years ago when I was a little girl. I was watching all kinds of shows and reading magazines and books about all pastry things . My mother watched me all the time and was very fascinated by the passion and soul I put into each cookie or cake and encouraged me to believe in my talent and always improve it.

I find it very relaxing to make desserts, but I especially love making cakes, decorating them and decorating them with figurines made by me. I like working with fondant and marzipan the most, because it’s like plasticine I find it fun to make figurines and cartoon characters. It’s a challenge when someone wants me to make them a certain cartoon character or a certain landscape.

I love making desserts for all my loved ones and there is no family birthday without a cake made by me. What I love the most is the reaction that the celebrants and guests have when they see the cake, as if their faces light up, the moments that it makes me go ahead with it and be very happy because I achieve my goal of sharing joy with those around me.”

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